Tort Law Essays
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Tort Law is a Law of Wrongs
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Tort law is a law of wrongs. The term tort entails wrong.[1] According to John (2005), Before tort was identified as a legal category in its own right, torts were known as private wrongs...
Law of Torts
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Torts are civil wrongs for which the injured party may seek legal redressal for.” The injured party in case of torts is entitled to claim ‘unliquidated damages...
Tort Law is Law of Wrongdoing
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Nov 2020
Tort Law’ is the law of wrongdoing. The basis of tort law is to enable a person who has been wronged to ask for compensation....
An Act Committed without Mens Rea
Example essay. Last modified: 3rd Nov 2020
Mens rea, a guilty mind or intent; usually one of the essentials of a crime. Mens rea is only one of two components of a crime, the other being the actus reus....
Sports Injury Law
Example essay. Last modified: 27th Nov 2019
Sports Injury Law. In order to analyse and give advice to the issues raised in our question we must consider the law of tort and the criminal law along with the relevant case law in regards to sports/sports activities and whether an injured player is entitled to compensation for the injuries suffered from an act of participator violence......
How is Negligence Determined?
Example essay. Last modified: 27th Nov 2019
Negligence can be described as the carelessness in everyday terms or failure to take the proper level of care....
Foresee Ability Court
Example essay. Last modified: 27th Nov 2019
The fact in Donoghue V. Stevenson was that the appellant drank a ginger beer that was bought by her friend in a café and she drank part of it from her cup....
Tort of Negligence in Medical Care: A Case Study
Example essay. Last modified: 9th Oct 2019
In the case it was found any action that has been taken, would take reasonable care to prevent injuries to persons that could be foreseeable claimants....
Doctrine of a Duty of Care
Example essay. Last modified: 9th Oct 2019
The word tort is derived from the French word of the same spelling which means mischief, injury, wrong, or calamity from the Latin tortus meaning twisted....
The duty of care
Example essay. Last modified: 9th Oct 2019
The duty of care arises in the tort of negligence, a relatively recently emerged tort. The general principal is that you should not harm those people to whom you owe a duty of care by your acts of omissions....
Analysis of the ‘Rule’ in Rylands v Fletcher (1868)
Example essay. Last modified: 16th Aug 2019
The case of Transco v Stockport 2003 is important as it represents the most recent and only attempt to analyse the rule in Rylands v Fletcher (1868)....
Negligence in Employment: Protective Equipment
Example essay. Last modified: 15th Aug 2019
The performance of the duty can be delegated to a third party but responsibility for its negligent performance and consequent liability cannot....
Negligence Law Emanates From the Law of Tort
Example essay. Last modified: 12th Aug 2019
Negligence in Malaysia Negligence law emanates from the law of tort. In any negligence action, the essential ingredients that should be present are......
Impact of Defamation Laws
Example essay. Last modified: 7th Aug 2019
The current defamation laws in Australia aims to protect and balance reputation and freedom of speech of individuals in the society. These current laws have been thoroughly investigated on how fair the outcomes they provide are to the key stake holders; the law, plaintiff and defendant....
Ethan Belcher Negligence Case Study
Example essay. Last modified: 7th Aug 2019
Ethan’s mother argued the school system was negligent in ensuring her son’s safety at school. First, for allowing hazardous chemicals to spill on the floor, second, for failing to train custodians in the proper handling and storage of chemical agents and finally, that the school nurse failed to examine and identify the student’s injuries....
Does the Issue on Breach of Duty Favor Both Parties?
Example essay. Last modified: 7th Aug 2019
The scope of this text is to critically assess if the issue on breach of duty sufficiently favors both parties or if indeed time has come for further reforms to be put in place. ...
A Liability in Negligence Case Study
Example essay. Last modified: 9th Jul 2019
For an defendant’s liability in negligence to exist, the claimant must show the defendant either did something, that led to him suffering a harm....
Claims for Psychiatric Damage by Secondary Victims: Areas for Reform
Example essay. Last modified: 5th Jul 2019
This report examines psychiatric damage claims for secondary victims, who face restrictive controls which have limited the amount of meritorious claims significantly....
Tort Law Negligence Breach Cases
Example essay. Last modified: 3rd Jul 2019
Tort Law Negligence Breach Cases. A water company having observed the directions of the Act of Parliament in laying down their pipes, is not responsible for an escape of water from them not caused by their own negligence....
Potential Liabilities of Harrington & Nephew Ltd.
Example essay. Last modified: 3rd Jul 2019
The foremost cause of action against Harrington arises in the tort of “nuisance”- commonly defined as “interference for a substantial length of time by owners or occupiers of property with the use or enjoyment of neighbouring property”....
Defamation is the Publication of a Statement
Example essay. Last modified: 3rd Jul 2019
Defamation also called calumny, vilification, slander and libel is the communication of a statement......
Actions for Damages in Private Enforcement
Example essay. Last modified: 3rd Jul 2019
The case of Devenish is primarily an action for damages; however, the case has a much more significant impact than can be comprehended from the judgment alone....
The Compensation Act 2006 and the Culture Created
Example essay. Last modified: 3rd Jul 2019
Within tort law to establish if the compensation act 2006 has done little to address the problems of the compensation culture firstly it is ......
Donoghue v Stevenson
Example essay. Last modified: 3rd Jul 2019
Donoghue, a Scottish dispute, is a famous case in English law which was instrumental in shaping the law of tort and the doctrine of negligence in particular....
Tip: If you can't find what you are looking for, try shortening your search phrase. E.g. "mens rea"