Create an OSCOLA Reference for a Welsh Measure

Reference the primary legislation of the National Assembly of Wales

Select a different Source Type See examples

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Enter the title of the Welsh Measure you wish to reference

You must enter the name of the act you wish to reference excluding (Wales) Measure

Enter the year of the Welsh Measure

You must enter the year of the Welsh Measure

Enter the nawm (National Assembly of Wales Measure) number

You must enter the nawm number

Click the button below to generate your OSCOLA Welsh Measure Reference. Don't worry, you can come back and edit the reference if you need to correct or add any information

Example OSCOLA References for Welsh Measures

Example Footnote Reference

Red Meat Industry (Wales) Measure 2010 (nawm 3)


Primary Legislation, Statute, Act, Welsh Measure, Welsh Assembly

Reference a different source type